Tuesday, June 17, 2008

IS Life a Banquet?

It's about time for a check-in on my Great Experiment. I've come quite a ways since I first began at the top of 2007, not because there are even more things on my wish list that I can check off, although that is the case, but because I'm better understanding what to wish for. But I'm getting ahead of myself. :)

Let's look at the list. Hmm.

1.My weight/size is still unsatisfactory, but I think that's because there are deeper issues than what I've dealt with so far. And, too, because I'm just not getting exercise at the moment.

2.My lover. Heh. This one is complicated. I am amazed to say that I do have a lover who fits the description almost exactly. The thing is, I don't think he's someone I'll ever marry, which is what I thought I was looking for when I wrote the description. But the thing that I find fascinating, is that A) I don't have the time or energy to devote to a marriage-type relationship and B) the relationship that I do have with Castle is perfect for both of us right now. Who knows what will happen as things change?

3.My manuscript. Yeah. Not done yet.

4.People like my writings. I'd say so. Nobody's paid me for them. Yet.

5.Prosperity keeps popping up in unexpected ways. Hoo, yes! When I first wrote that, I was still working the night shift at a job that I didn't like (LOVED the people, hated the job). I couldn't have even imagined getting all my bills paid for just staying home all day. But that's exactly what I do. Okay, I do a little bit more than that, but yanno.

6.Joyous all the time? No. Joyous a LOT more than I used to be? Abso-frackin'-lutely!!!

7.My home is clean, tasteful and inviting. Hmmm. Moving on...

8.I get a lot done in one day. Short of having a day with no sleep, I'd say so. It's not the kind of “chicken with the head cut off” running around I had always associated with “getting stuff done,” but stuff still gets done.

9.The best in life comes easily to me. Well, I'm sitting here, at the keyboard of my beautiful, beloved, souped-up iMac, in a room filled with books and movies I love, two silly, flying monkeys sprawled across beautiful sheets, and three days ago I took a tele-seminar on how different personalities draw wealth to themselves differently. Am I there yet? No. But I am definitely on the road.

10.Proud of my decisions? Yes. The guilt is gone. I've learned to take responsibility for my choices, and in doing so, I think I'm making better ones. :)

11.Hmm. No kids. For the moment, I'd like to keep it that way.

12.Again, no kids.

13.Career? No career. And for the moment, THAT'S FINE. I'll get there eventually, when I'm done with this.

14.Gardens! HaHA! Yes, I am growing gardens, both front and back. (More of that throw seeds in the ground and hope for the best attitude.) Magickal faerie lands? Not yet. Give it another year or so. (If I was a more dedicated gardener, I might have been able to pull it off, but as it is, I'm relying heavily on Mom Nature, and she does things in her own time.)

15.Flying monkeys are at an all time high on the behavior-o-meter! I've even taken them for some midnight walks without the leash and they haven't run off or ANYthing. I am VERY proud of them.

16.I'm in control of my life? Actually, I am. I just never thought I'd be choosing some of the things I do. Heh.

17.No renovations to the house. Yet.

18.Positive outlook? MUCH easier for me. (But having enough sleep helps. I tend to get a little crazy when I don't get my sleeps.)

19.Haven't made it back to the UK with Squeaky yet. Grr.

Well now, it looks like I've got some serious updating to do on my list. Which is excellent, isn't it?

But then, some serious updating to my list is the other thing I wanted to talk about. Recently, I've been thinking, “Why do I have these things on my list?” And the answer was, “Because they'll make me happy.” But then the next question is, “Why do I need things to make me happy? Why can't I just put 1. I love being happy on my list and let that be it? I mean, the Universe-- or God or Bubba or whatever you want to call this Loving Energy that makes the Law of Attraction work-- seems to know better than I how things will work out. Wouldn't it know what would make me happy better than I?

Then again, there's a part of me that doesn't want to give up the Stuff on my list. I mean, after all, I like having stuff. And there's at least one item that I made a promise about. For my own sense of self, I need to keep it. Still in all, though, I think there's some pruning to be done. I've got my car. I've got a lover. I've got some gardens growing. I've got the sun in the mornin' and the moon at night. ;)

So, to answer the question put in title, yes. Life IS a banquet. The Great Experiment is turning in positive results. Slowly but surely.

Hmm. Yes. Update to list is needed. Time to change the menu a bit. ;) Later. It's time for bed now. G'night!


“Life's a banquet, and most poor sons of bitches are starving to death!”
- Auntie Mame