Saturday, July 19, 2008

I Am Truly Blessed

So, the other day I was telling Blade my Tale Of Woe about how I couldn't go see Batman... and tears were streaming down my face. Mebbe, I thought, Just mebbe this is a bigger deal than I originally thought. I should Do Something. So I called a friend and basically arranged it so that I could go see Batman today. And all is right with the world. :)

It was good. I am grateful I was able to go. It was also very dark and intense. And I think I like it more, now that it has settled into my bones.

After the movie, I had enough time to fill up my gas tank and then book it back home.

From the time I left the gas station, I have been fielding phone calls. (Actually, my first phone call-- not counting my sister calling right at midnight-- was at 11:00 this morning.) When I got home, I found a gazillion emails and birthday cards and wishes. And I've been on the phone ever since. I guess it's a good thing I didn't plan on much more than a movie. ;)

Oh, yeah. I feel the love. I have the most amazingest, awesomest (like a hotdog!) friends and family. You made my day. No, really.

Thank you.

And now, I leave you with this thought for the day, because it's Muppets, I just discovered it today, and I just can't resist.

Peace and love.