I've been dreading this week. Not so much for the getting a year older thing. Actually, that part I generally look forward to. Like a fine wine, I think I'm better as I age. No, the reason I've been dreading this week is... Friday. I've already posted about how I'm not going to be able to be able to celebrate the birthday properly (on the day of), and what it comes down to, is that most days I don't mind being alone-ish. But I don't like being alone on my birthday. I don't like having nothing to do, no one to see and nowhere to be. It's not just my birthday, really. Holidays in general. I don't want to be alone on a day that should be celebrated.
This last weekend, I had a royal pity party for myself. All I was missing was the crown. ;) I even started feeling sorry for myself about the winter holidays. The LAST thing I want to do is spend this coming December the same way I did the last-- worrying over/waiting for Pop to recover from surgery and pining away for family all of whom (with the exception of Pop, of course) are in other states, if not another country. And here's me, tied to this house, unable to get away. Honestly, I doubt that any of them will be able to make it this year either. Oh, yes. This last weekend, I put myself in a fine funk.
And you know what? Something good did come out of it. (Whodathunkit?) I realized that thinking like that will only bring on more of the same, so I decided to change my thinking. Instead of feeling sorry for myself, I decided to do something to improve my situation.
Well, there's not much I can do about throwing myself a birthday party this year. It's a bit late. And truly, Saturday will be absolutely wonderful, getting to spend time with almost all of my favorite east coast people, so I don't REALLY have room to complain anyway. And as for the winter holidays, I am going to surround myself with as many of my friends as I possibly can. And to give me something to look forward to, I'm going to throw a small, intimate Yule party for my nearest and dearest. I may not be able to see all my family, but it doesn't mean that I can't feel the love.
Also, when I spoke to my sister the other day, I told her it was of the utmost importance that she call me on Friday. And she promised she would.
AND THEN!!! My super genius Daddy and Stepmom sent me an early birfday pressie: an awesome (like a hotdog) bread machine!!!! SQUEEEE!!!! I'm making my very first loaf right now: French bread. It won't be baguette, because it's in the wrong shape, but it should taste the same. OMG! Excited am I. (Have I mentioned excited?)
And today, I did my first stint as a volunteer at the library. Organizing the SciFi/Fantasy books = fun. People are lazy and put stuff in the wrong places, BUT I found a bunch of books I wanna read... when I'm done with what I'm reading right now.
Organizing the children's reference section = not so fun. Besides the fact that small children have NO CONCEPT of filing/putting things in order, I didn't find any books I wanted to read there. Started at the end and worked my way up, so when I left, I was still sifting through American history and forms of terrorism. I kid you not. Even so, it was incredibly fulfilling to see what a mess it started out as, and how tidy I was able to get my one little section. Although, I will say this: I need to start doing Yoga again.
So, oddly enough, I would say this week is off to a far better start than I expected. And as soon as I gets me my Frrrrrench Brrrrread, I'm gonna go have toast and jam!
OMG! My bread machine even has a setting to make jams and preserves! And BAGELS!@!!! (Not at the same time, but I hear that's coming in a later model.)
And now, I leave you with this thought for the day:
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Awesome Hotdogs
birthday wishes,