This is mostly because I've created my FABulous new blog at and then didn't post anything to it. Silly!
So, I now present to you...
Things I've Realized in the Last Three Days
->The purpose of embroidery hoops is to make embroidery easier. They are not necessary, but they sure as heaven are convenient.
->I should have had ramps installed on the front porch a loooong time ago. I haven't even used them yet to get Pop out of the house, and I'm already wondering how I ever lived without them.
->I don't like to cook when I'm exhausted, which can make eating difficult if I've only got raw materials in the house. Thank heavens for eggs and toast (even if I do have to -sigh- slice the bread, myself.)
->I have not, in fact destroyed the garden through negligence. That would be Mother Nature combining heaps of rain with very cold weather, creating seeds that rot instead of grow. ... Which means, I'm still on the board. Yay me!
->Have you ever wondered how people made popcorn BEFORE microwaves, or air poppers or even Jiffy Pop? Well, if you're from my father's generation or before, you probably already know. When the corn in my garden grows up (that would be the second round of corn to be planted, since the first round rotted), I'm gonna make popcorn like that. -smacks lips-
->I like Nora Roberts romance novels. It's not a fluke. When you're on your 9th book and still eager for more, that, my friend, is a trend. It's time to deal with the fact that I like popcorn romances.
->Mmmmm. Popcorn = yummy.
->Reading and sleeping do not mix well. You can only do one at a time. If you try to do both together, you usually end up with drool in embarrassing places. (Like the back of a Volkswagon?)
->My favorite potato chip ever (that's crisps for the non-Americans) has changed their recipe, and I don't like it. That first bag was NOT a fluke. Probably for the best, since I really don't need to be eating chips in the first place.
->It actually feels unnatural for me to refer to them as chips, when they are OBVIOUSLY crisps.
->I need to get back to Scotland for another fix soon.
->That's about all the randomy goodness I can think of at the moment. I'm sure as soon as I finish posting this, I'll think of something else, but by then, it'll be too late!
Photo shamelessly lifted from