Monday, June 30, 2008


... I [heart] Joss! You probably already know about this, but I had to squee!

Teaser from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog on Vimeo.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Boom De Yada!

Checking in, yo. So, first thing to squee about: my West Coast BFF, Arcana is getting married in October. And the tickets for me to fly out there have just been purchased. Wow. In a very real way, I feel like I'm going home... to visit... from home. Rather confusing. But exciting! It's hard to believe it's been more than two years since the last time I saw Los Angeles (or had to drive in her traffic)!

AND!!! The Addams family of Cleveland is coming down here tomorrow to visit!!! OMG, thrilled! It's been over a year since I've been up to see them. They're actually driving through on their way to a job interview here in WV, which is again, like, OMG! So, this time, they'll only be here for a couple hours, but in the future... who know? :D

Lemme see. What else? Adventures in Mad Cow wrangling are going well. He's got a new pill which is really helping with the night-time pee-wakies. Instead of every hour, it has bumped up to somewhere between every two and four hours. MUCH better for sleeping, let me tell ya. Other than that, s'good.

OH YEAH! AND I just got the call from the VA today. They have FINALLY found someone to come in four hours a day, five days a week to give me some relief! ... Now I'll have to figure out what to do with myself. Heh! I'm not sure that's enough time to get a part time job (and still have a chance to have a bit of a life outside of responsibilities). Anyway, I've got until Tuesday to figure it all out.

I had an adventure trying to clip puppy toenails today. They really, really, really don't like that. Really. I've got the red welts all over my arms to prove it. Buuuut, now that I can get out of the house during daylight hours, I can get them into the vet, who will trim their nails for (ready for this?) $10!!!! Heh. Now SHE can have the red welts.

Finally, I want to announce a new project I'm working on. I want to, but we're not quite ready yet. A couple friends of mine out here and I are working on it together, in conjunction with It's very exciting for us, because we'll be sharing lots of cool-- wait. Can't say. Not yet. All I can say is, it IS easy bein' Green. ;)

And now, I shall leave you with this thought.

Boom de yada and peace!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Finding Peace in a Storm

We've been getting thunderstorms for the last few days. I actually quite enjoy them-- find them relaxing, even. :) Something about the rumbling... having a warm, dry home snuggled around me... cuddling up under a blanket with an awesome DVD. Good times. (Only time I don't like T-storms is when I have to drive in them.) I never thought anyone else in household really had a problem with them... until the other night.

It was a whopper. Lightning flashed repeatedly, and thunder rolled right over the house. Rain pelted the roof in a lovely tattoo. Pretty cool, in my opinion. :)

I was sitting at my computer, letting the rat-a-tat of rain lull me when I heard Poppa shout out from his bedroom, “HEY! Does anybody out there wanna sleep with me?”

At first, my dirty mind went to a baaad place. As Daddy later said, “Well, there's always the direct approach...”

But I knew what he really meant. He didn't want to sleep alone during the storm.

What to do?

I went into his room, and he looked up from his little hospital bed, his eyes wide. “Do you wanna sleep with me, sweetheart?” (I love how, when -he- wants something, he asks if -I- want it. Heh.)

I was about to pat him on the head and, well, brush him off-- he does call me into the room many times in one night, after all-- when the memories rushed in. I was no more than six and afraid to sleep in my room at their house by myself. Every night, I would insist that someone (usually Grandma, but Poppa too) would sleep in the bed with me. I had been hoping they would keep me safe all night, but they usually crept out of the room after I dropped off.

I looked down at Pop, who was looking up at me all pleading-like, and I melted. He said, “I'll just move over, and you can lie here with me.”

Um, no. Hello, twin-sized bed. (Why is it called a twin if it's so itty-bitty? Doesn't twin mean there are two? Wouldn't that be double the size of a regular bed?) So I sat on the floor (because there really wasn't any other space) and held his hand.

Another thunderclap rolled over the house and Youngest Monkey tore into Pop's bedroom, which he normally doesn't enter. He then whimpered and, without waiting for an invitation, curled up in my lap.

And that's how we waited for the storm to pass. Holding hands, curled up together. Youngest fell asleep first, followed by Pop. So I sat in his room, watched the lightning flicker behind the shades and remembered all the times that it was him keeping me safe from the dark and scaries, instead of the other way around.

I'm glad I was able to return the gesture.


Friday, June 20, 2008

Henna Eep!

As you may recall, a few weeks ago, I pulled out my brand new henna kit and drew all over my legs and my arms. Heh. It was very much a lot of fun, and I learned how not to do henna on myself. Thank goodness it was fun! So, when I was done, I marked my calendar for one month from the day I made the mix, since that's about how long it'll last without going rancid.

Guess what? Tomorrow marks my one month and until last night, I hadn't really touched the bottle (except to stand it up when it fell down in the fridge.) Last night, staring at my calendar, I figured I'd better pull it out and finish up the bottle. Little did I realize how much I had left! Eep!

And the worst part is, judging from my last attempts, I wouldn't be just making up designs. I was going to have to find some samples to copy. I googled “Mendhi” and “Henna designs” and found a couple I really liked. :) As I did my first few, I started getting an idea for what designs just look best in henna, and started experimenting. I did design after design, and still have some left over. (Good grief!) And thus we have:

My legs:

Left Ankle:

Right Ankle:

Left knee:

Right knee:

Left wrist:

My favorite, my first, my right leg:

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty happy with they way they all turned out. Which is a good thing, since I'll be stuck with them for the next few weeks!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

IS Life a Banquet?

It's about time for a check-in on my Great Experiment. I've come quite a ways since I first began at the top of 2007, not because there are even more things on my wish list that I can check off, although that is the case, but because I'm better understanding what to wish for. But I'm getting ahead of myself. :)

Let's look at the list. Hmm.

1.My weight/size is still unsatisfactory, but I think that's because there are deeper issues than what I've dealt with so far. And, too, because I'm just not getting exercise at the moment.

2.My lover. Heh. This one is complicated. I am amazed to say that I do have a lover who fits the description almost exactly. The thing is, I don't think he's someone I'll ever marry, which is what I thought I was looking for when I wrote the description. But the thing that I find fascinating, is that A) I don't have the time or energy to devote to a marriage-type relationship and B) the relationship that I do have with Castle is perfect for both of us right now. Who knows what will happen as things change?

3.My manuscript. Yeah. Not done yet.

4.People like my writings. I'd say so. Nobody's paid me for them. Yet.

5.Prosperity keeps popping up in unexpected ways. Hoo, yes! When I first wrote that, I was still working the night shift at a job that I didn't like (LOVED the people, hated the job). I couldn't have even imagined getting all my bills paid for just staying home all day. But that's exactly what I do. Okay, I do a little bit more than that, but yanno.

6.Joyous all the time? No. Joyous a LOT more than I used to be? Abso-frackin'-lutely!!!

7.My home is clean, tasteful and inviting. Hmmm. Moving on...

8.I get a lot done in one day. Short of having a day with no sleep, I'd say so. It's not the kind of “chicken with the head cut off” running around I had always associated with “getting stuff done,” but stuff still gets done.

9.The best in life comes easily to me. Well, I'm sitting here, at the keyboard of my beautiful, beloved, souped-up iMac, in a room filled with books and movies I love, two silly, flying monkeys sprawled across beautiful sheets, and three days ago I took a tele-seminar on how different personalities draw wealth to themselves differently. Am I there yet? No. But I am definitely on the road.

10.Proud of my decisions? Yes. The guilt is gone. I've learned to take responsibility for my choices, and in doing so, I think I'm making better ones. :)

11.Hmm. No kids. For the moment, I'd like to keep it that way.

12.Again, no kids.

13.Career? No career. And for the moment, THAT'S FINE. I'll get there eventually, when I'm done with this.

14.Gardens! HaHA! Yes, I am growing gardens, both front and back. (More of that throw seeds in the ground and hope for the best attitude.) Magickal faerie lands? Not yet. Give it another year or so. (If I was a more dedicated gardener, I might have been able to pull it off, but as it is, I'm relying heavily on Mom Nature, and she does things in her own time.)

15.Flying monkeys are at an all time high on the behavior-o-meter! I've even taken them for some midnight walks without the leash and they haven't run off or ANYthing. I am VERY proud of them.

16.I'm in control of my life? Actually, I am. I just never thought I'd be choosing some of the things I do. Heh.

17.No renovations to the house. Yet.

18.Positive outlook? MUCH easier for me. (But having enough sleep helps. I tend to get a little crazy when I don't get my sleeps.)

19.Haven't made it back to the UK with Squeaky yet. Grr.

Well now, it looks like I've got some serious updating to do on my list. Which is excellent, isn't it?

But then, some serious updating to my list is the other thing I wanted to talk about. Recently, I've been thinking, “Why do I have these things on my list?” And the answer was, “Because they'll make me happy.” But then the next question is, “Why do I need things to make me happy? Why can't I just put 1. I love being happy on my list and let that be it? I mean, the Universe-- or God or Bubba or whatever you want to call this Loving Energy that makes the Law of Attraction work-- seems to know better than I how things will work out. Wouldn't it know what would make me happy better than I?

Then again, there's a part of me that doesn't want to give up the Stuff on my list. I mean, after all, I like having stuff. And there's at least one item that I made a promise about. For my own sense of self, I need to keep it. Still in all, though, I think there's some pruning to be done. I've got my car. I've got a lover. I've got some gardens growing. I've got the sun in the mornin' and the moon at night. ;)

So, to answer the question put in title, yes. Life IS a banquet. The Great Experiment is turning in positive results. Slowly but surely.

Hmm. Yes. Update to list is needed. Time to change the menu a bit. ;) Later. It's time for bed now. G'night!


“Life's a banquet, and most poor sons of bitches are starving to death!”
- Auntie Mame

Friday, June 13, 2008

Garden Squee!

Serenity came over yesteday and we looked at my garden. I'm no farmer, probably never will be, and this certainly felt like biting off more than I can chew. Still and all, I'm rather proud. Good job, Mi!

Pictures for your perusement:

This is my container garden, what I started with last year. Clockwise, from top left, I've got oregano, spearmint, thyme and chives. You can also see the aloe and rosemary peeking out:

Here is the rosemary I grew from a seed:

And the aloe plant that has survived years of neglect. (I think it was my grandmother's.):

This is the garden Pays helped me plant this year:

I've got broccoli:

And lettuce:

And a crazy mess of peas:

A ton of grapes!

Some... um... vine thingee. (I think it might be a loofa gourd):

Okay, I have no idea what this is, but it's growing a lot too!

Then, around the edge of the yard, I've got corn growing:

And one, lone sunflower:

Oh, yeah. I think I might have posted this story a while back. Here is the re-enactment, as portrayed by Youngest Monkey:
Youngest Dog Re-enactment

All in all, YAY for garden! :D


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Holy Carp!

It's 10:30 and I'm ready for bed. Of course, I do have to get up at 7:00 AM to get Mad Cow ready for the day, since Ro is taking tomorrow morning off. That's ok. It's time she'll spend with her son.

AND! Let me tell you. Doc gave Pop some pill to keep his bladder from seizing. For the first time since I GOT HERE, Pop slept the whole night through and didn't wake up ONCE. Seriously. I nearly fell over.

And now, if I don't get to bed, I WILL fall over.

G'night, peeps.


The part of this I like the best is, "You can be happy now, and all the other stuff is easier to get and more fun to have." Wow. :D



So, I got this phone call today from a 323 number. That means it was someone in L.A., although I didn't have the number programmed in, so I didn't know who exactly. Still, I figured it couldn't hurt to talk to someone from the “old country.”

And thus, I had the following conversation.

Me: Hello?
323: Uh-oh. I think I have the wrong number.
Me: Um, Mom? (That would be Bear's Mom, not mine.)
323: No. My name is Red and I'm calling from XYZ Mortgage Company. I'm looking for a gentleman in Pt. Pleasant.
Me: Mom, it's me, Miriam.
323: Miriam who? OH! Miriam! Haha! What's my blog name, so that when you write about this, I'll know it's me?

Honey, your name is Red. Always has been, always will be. ;)


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The FOOD Network?!

Arcana asked me a few weeks? months? ago how my magickal studies are coming along, and guiltily, I admitted that I haven't been doing them, like, at all. A million excuses came to mind, but I'm getting better at recognizing the difference between an excuse and a reason. (Probably didn't stop me from telling her a couple, though. In all honesty, at this point, I don't remember, but I know myself well enough to guess at a general response.)

Whether or not she realizes it, the conversation has stuck with me this whole time. I mull it around, and every so often, I consider pulling down my workbooks. Hasn't happened in the almost-two years I've been here, but I've got some grand intentions. Anyway, today, I once more pondered this behavior, and what it came back to was my Great Experiment and the Law of Attraction.

See, as Oprah puts it, the Law of Attraction is simply that whatever you focus on, expands. Abraham-Hicks say that Law of Attraction is “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” Oprah's is less of a mouthful. :)

So why is my magick not expanding? Why is it that any time I consider doing it, it feels like pulling teeth? Because I'm not focused on magick right now, duh! I'm focusing on finding foods that are healthy and delicious (Read: foods that are healthy, and foods that are delicious-- okay, more emphasis on delicious, if we're being honest. I think I still have mental blocks about the two being non-exclusive.) I think a lot about the mental and physical state of The Mad Cow, about generally keeping costs down, and about things that will and/or do make me happy.

And here's what I've got.
1. Tons of newsletters for different organizations (health, environment, catalogs)-- but all of them offer free recipes!

2. A Great Big Book of Intake/Output for The Mad Cow. (This is the most organized I've been with him since I got here.) I also have a general knowledge of which behaviors mean “healthy Poppa” and which ones mean we're a step away from heading back to the hospital. (It can be difficult to tell, since the most information I get from him verbally is that he's not worth a nickel.)

3. A small pile of stuff that I've sewn after thinking, “I wish I could buy me a...” / “I wish they made a customized...” AND a garden growing in the backyard. (If you receive holiday gifts from me, chances are, you'll be getting something from one of the two this year, if everything goes according to plan.)

4. A small armada of techniques that, when properly applied, help me stay centered, peaceful and grounded. (The trick here is to remember to use them when I'm freaking out, but I'm getting better at that.)

And what does this tell me? :) My focus right now is very earthy. To use the terminology from Abraham-Hicks, I'm not vibrating at a level with high magick, which is why I'm not doing it.

The neurotic me, of course, started freaking out as soon as I realized that. “Why aren't I more magickally inclined? I need balance with ALL the Elements, not just one. I mean, is it okay for me to be earth-bound right now? Shouldn't I--” And that's where I stopped it. Shoulds and Shouldn'ts are holding less power over me these days.

The fact of the matter is, I'm in Earth mode right now, and that's okay. I'm the seed that's been planted in the earth's womb. All sorts of growing is happening, and when I'm ready to sprout, THEN there will be Air and Rain and Sun. For now, there's Earth. ... And manure to help me grow. ;)

On a related note, yanno how I don't watch TV? Today, after I put The Mad Cow to bed, I was working on sewing his (for lack of a better term) wheelchair backpack, and decided to have some background noise going while I worked. To my surprise, the MOST INTERESTING show I could find at that time was on the freaking Food Network-- a channel I have never before been interested in. Of course, once the show about how to make sticky buns and crepes ended and the one about getting voted off the kitchen island came on, I moved on... and found a movie (on another channel I generally avoid) that I've been thinking about for a while. Heh. Law of Attraction, baby. ;)


Monday, June 9, 2008

Bloody Scare

I've been sleeping a LOT lately. A few days ago, a friend of mine blogged that whenever she told her mother that she was feeling tired, her mom's first response was, “Maybe you have mono.” She also wrote that the other day, when she was feeling tired she wondered if she did have mono, and then immediately admonished herself for turning into her mother. Heh. My mom did some crazy, neurotic things. I am SO GLAD that wasn't one of them. Still, when I started putting two and two together, having just read that blog, it was a thought. A passing thought. Mebbe I have mono? Is it possible to turn into someone else's mother?

All joking aside, it's been a little bothersome to me how much I've been sleeping. So, I started examining. The big one that I came up with is that I'm not exercising, and this sleeping thing is just a product of inertia. I've got lots of good excuses for not exercising, too-- everything from the weather to... well, the weather, really. Wanna hear 'em all? No? I'll just have to keep telling them to myself, then.

Anyway, during my nightly talk with Daddy, I mentioned how tired I've been lately (along with my dissatisfaction with my current weight), and his first reaction was, “Have you checked your blood sugar? You are at risk for diabetes, you know.”


After THAT talk, I immediately hung up the phone and stared at Pop's blood sugar monitor. Then I stared at the empty ice cream bowl I had finished off just before the phone call. Then back at the monitor. Ice cream would TOTALLY skew a blood sugar level reading, wouldn't it? So instead, I took the flying monkeys for a mile-long walk. They were, to say the least, thrilled to be getting out of the house to stretch their legs, and I was able to avoid bad news for another 45 minutes.

When I got back, I found one of Pop's disposable lancets, pricked my thumb (HA!)-- you know, that M-F'er HURTS! And Pop's been doing that every day for over 10 years now-- and checked my blood sugar.

I am happy to report that I am well within healthy levels. :P

Still, though. Things need to change upgrade. I eat junk food. (Mostly organic, but still.) I don't exercise, like, at all. I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life. I am not able to get a full night's sleep, because every few hours I am required to get up and supervise/assist with bathroom functions, and I stress a lot over Pop's health. And then I wonder what could be wrong with me. HA!

It's not as if there's nothing I can do. There's plenty I can do to change the situation. Most of it simply requires getting off my ass and doing it. DAMN INERTIA!

Walking tonight felt good. It always does. Except in the rain. That part's not so good. Otherwise, me and the boys need to get out more, even if it is at 2AM. And hey, up-side to walking at 2AM is that all the neighbors' dogs are in for the night, so I can train them on walking with me without a leash. Not to mention, that the heat is down, even if the humidity is still killer. Seriously! You can cut the air with a knife! Blech. But yeah. More walking, less peanut butter cups. I even have a swimsuit. I wonder if there would be any way I could slip up the hill during the day to the pool once in a while...? Hmmm.

So that's my good news for the night-- er, morning? Um, thing. Yes. My good news for the thing.

Have a blessed thing.


Friday, June 6, 2008

Revisiting My Childhood

I was talking with Daddy tonight, and he made a reference to a song that I haven't heard before. We tried a couple different techniques so that I could hear it, until I remembered YouTube probably has it. Apparently, though, Daddy had no idea of the wealth of crrrrap stored there and wondered out loud, “Yes, but do they have...?” and so it began.

I think he got mad at me, because he was trying to go to bed before the original song came up, and there we were, 45 minutes later, cackling over classic comedy songs (PRE Weird Al).

It sort of inspired me. See, whereas most kids listened to popular music or rap or country or well, anything current, I did not. I keep telling folks I grew up in a cultural bubble, all the way through high school. I've never seen an episode of Silver Spoons, and I didn't know any of the music from Guns and Roses, until that whole stink about Sheryl Crow covering Sweet Child o' Mine came up. I'm telling you. Bubble.

But that doesn't mean I didn't listen to music. It just wasn't the same stuff everyone else knew. See, my parents didn't have room for their old record player-- that would be the device used to listen to audio recordings post-radio and pre-8-Track-- in the living room when they got the new stereo, so it got put in my room. And since it was there, I went through many of their records. Once I found Allan Sherman, I was hooked. Sadly, it is very difficult to find many of his recordings anymore. I suppose that's because, like Weird Al, he spoofed contemporary music, and who in my generation has even heard the song “Winchester Cathedral,” let alone would want to hear a spoof of it?

Still, even without knowing all the original songs at the time, he, and Homer & Jethro cracked me up, and I devoured many of the LPs and 45s in my parents' collection, both comedic and straight.

So, without further ado, I present to any who care to know, a walk through the music of MY childhood:

Johnny Horton - Battle of New Orleans

Homer & Jethro - Battle of Kookamonga

Allan Sherman - A Waste of Money

Allan Sherman - 12 Gifts of Christmas

Allan Sherman - Secret Code

Allan Sherman - Painless Dentist

Grover - Around, Over, Under and Through

Cookie Monster - C is for Cookie

Oscar the Grouch - I Love Trash

David Seville - Witch Doctor

Sheb Wooley - Purple People Eater

Bryan Hyland - Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

Ray Stevens - Mississippi Squirrel Revival

My Fair Lady - With a Little Bit of Luck

My Fair Lady - Show Me

My Fair Lady - On the Street Where You Live

Ray Stevens - Shriners Convention

Ray Stevens - Can He Love You As Much As I

Here are some that were not in my collection exactly as you hear them, but close enough that you get the idea:

Allan Sherman with Dean Martin and Vic Damone - Medley

The Battle Hymn of the Republic

Homer & Jethro - Didn't Sink the Bismark &

Allan Sherman - Return to Camp Grenada

Happy listening...

and Peace.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Rainy Daze

Rain patters on my roof, on my window, and thunder rumbles over the river.  

One of my friends writes beautiful tweets on, capturing sunlight on a leaf or I don't know... just the magick of whatever moment he happens to be in.  And all in 140 characters or less.  I am most impressed.  The only thing that seems to inspire me to do that is the rain.

I've always been confused by people who get grouchy when it rains.  It's just water.  I promise, you won't melt.  And the rain brings such a wealth of nourishment to everyone.  At a very basic level everything you eat requires water.  And to think, it just falls freely from the sky!

The other thing about rain, is that it pushes people inside.  I suppose that's why folks get grouchy.  “Don't wanna drive in it.  Don't wanna get wet.  Don't want my hair to frizz.  Don't wanna get mud on my trousers.  Don't even wanna get out of bed...” We run around on our Hamster Wheels of Have-To's, stressing over all the things we haven't done yet, and the rain Gets In The Way.  It forces us to slow down on the freeways (Heavens forfend!), convinces us to stay at home when we'd rather be running and doing, and reminds us that there are things other than Hamster Wheels.  How often are we so caught up that we forget the essentials-- like taking a day of rest, or simple pleasures-- hot drinks, curling up with a good story, or even just taking a moment to stare through waving rivulets streaming down a window?

And yet, these small, quiet moments are so important, because they wind us down.  We stop, take a moment to breathe, and in that breathing, remember that Life does not equal Job,nor even Doing.  Life is just about Being Present In the Moment.

So whether the sun is shining in your neck of the woods, or whether you're experiencing streaming rivulets of water on your window, remember today to take a moment to breathe, and to enjoy everything around you.  Remember, the best nourishments fall from the sky.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Quick Check In

This is mostly because I've created my FABulous new blog at and then didn't post anything to it. Silly!

So, I now present to you...

Things I've Realized in the Last Three Days

->I'm just not a “I'll sleep when I'm dead” kind of girl. Gad, I wish I was.

->The purpose of embroidery hoops is to make embroidery easier. They are not necessary, but they sure as heaven are convenient.

->I should have had ramps installed on the front porch a loooong time ago. I haven't even used them yet to get Pop out of the house, and I'm already wondering how I ever lived without them.

->I don't like to cook when I'm exhausted, which can make eating difficult if I've only got raw materials in the house. Thank heavens for eggs and toast (even if I do have to -sigh- slice the bread, myself.)

->I have not, in fact destroyed the garden through negligence. That would be Mother Nature combining heaps of rain with very cold weather, creating seeds that rot instead of grow. ... Which means, I'm still on the board. Yay me!

->Have you ever wondered how people made popcorn BEFORE microwaves, or air poppers or even Jiffy Pop? Well, if you're from my father's generation or before, you probably already know. When the corn in my garden grows up (that would be the second round of corn to be planted, since the first round rotted), I'm gonna make popcorn like that. -smacks lips-

->I like Nora Roberts romance novels. It's not a fluke. When you're on your 9th book and still eager for more, that, my friend, is a trend. It's time to deal with the fact that I like popcorn romances.

->Mmmmm. Popcorn = yummy.

->Reading and sleeping do not mix well. You can only do one at a time. If you try to do both together, you usually end up with drool in embarrassing places. (Like the back of a Volkswagon?)

->My favorite potato chip ever (that's crisps for the non-Americans) has changed their recipe, and I don't like it. That first bag was NOT a fluke. Probably for the best, since I really don't need to be eating chips in the first place.

->It actually feels unnatural for me to refer to them as chips, when they are OBVIOUSLY crisps.

->I need to get back to Scotland for another fix soon.

->That's about all the randomy goodness I can think of at the moment. I'm sure as soon as I finish posting this, I'll think of something else, but by then, it'll be too late!


Photo shamelessly lifted from